
To fix a system isn't rocket science; it's simply a matter of addressing the greed and corruption entrenched within it - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - To fix a system isn't rocket science; it's simply a matter of addressing the greed and corruption entrenched within it

To fix a system
isn't rocket science;
it's simply a matter
of addressing the
greed and corruption
entrenched within it
- TemQBS -

Quote Interpretations:

Fixing a broken system is not as difficult as it may seem, as long as one is willing to confront the underlying issues of greed and corruption that are perpetuating its flaws. If you can target and eliminate these negative ills and influences, the 'system can be restored to a healthier and more functional state'.

Addressing the inherent flaws of greed and corruption within a system is the key to fixing it and bringing about positive change.

- TemQBS’ Thoughts

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