Mon Mar 17 2025 04:45:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Our focus has been stolen by powerful external forces that have left us uniquely vulnerable to corporations determined to raid our attention for profit - Quote from Johann Hari's Book "Stolen Focus"

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Our focus has been stolen by powerful external forces that have left us uniquely vulnerable to corporations determined to raid our attention for profit - Quote from Johann Hari's Book 'Stolen Focus'

Our FOCUS has
been stolen by powerful
external forces that have
left us uniquely vulnerable
to corporations determined
to raid our attention for profit
Johann Hari's
"Stolen Focus"

Quote Interpretations:

• We are constantly bombarded with distractions from media corporations, which cause us to lose focus on the things that truly matter in our lives. These 'external forces' have created a culture of instant gratification and short attention spans. As a result, we are easily swayed by consumerism and materialism, allowing corporations to profit off of our lack of focus and mindfulness.

• In other words, our attention has been hijacked by 'external forces', such as the media and technology, that manipulate our thoughts and emotions for their own gain. These powerful 'forces' shape our beliefs, values, and desires, making us vulnerable to the influence of corporations that seek to exploit our attention for profit. These 'forces' are able to control our behavior and manipulate our spending habits by constantly bombarding us with messages and images that appeal to our insecurities and desires.

Inspired by the Book:
"Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay
Attention--and How to Think Deeply Again"
by Johann Hari on Amazon..

Our society has become increasingly susceptible to the influence of powerful 'external forces' that seek to profit off of our attention. However, we can resist the manipulation of these media forces and prioritize what truly matters in our lives by recognizing our vulnerabilities and taking steps to regain control of our focus and attention.

“ When your focus is stolen, you become vulnerable to profit-seeking corporations. The solution lies in reclaiming your attention. ”

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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