“ If you tell the TRUTH,
it becomes a part of
your past. If you LIE,
it becomes a part
of your future. ” - Anonymous -
Quote Interpretations:
• When you tell the truth, you are allowing your past actions and decisions to reflect who you truly are. On the other hand, when you lie, you are creating a false reality for yourself. This false reality becomes a burden that you carry into the future, hindering your ability to move forward and live authentically.
• Telling the truth frees you from the chains of dishonesty and allows you to live with integrity and peace of mind. It allows you to move forward with clarity and confidence, knowing that you are being true to yourself and others. Lies, on the other hand, weigh you down and hold you back, preventing you from fully experiencing and embracing the opportunities that life has to offer.
- TemQBS’ Food for Thought
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