
When greedy people are allowed into positions of power, integrity takes a back seat and selfishness becomes the driving force behind every decision - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - When greedy people are allowed into positions of power, integrity takes a back seat and selfishness becomes the driving force behind every decision

are allowed
into positions of POWER,
integrity takes a back
becomes the driving force
behind every DECISION.
- TemQBS -

Greedy People in Leadership Positions and Decision Making - Quote Analysis:

When individuals who prioritize their own greed and selfish desires are placed in positions of power, it often results in a lack of integrity and moral compass in decision-making processes.

• One example of this can be seen in corporate environments where executives prioritize profits over the well-being of their employees or the environment. For instance, a CEO who is solely focused on increasing the company's bottom line may make decisions to cut costs by laying off employees or ignoring environmental regulations, all in the name of maximizing profits for himself/herself and shareholders.

• Another example can be seen in politics, where power-hungry politicians prioritize their own selfish interests over the needs of their constituents. This can manifest in corrupt practices such as taking bribes, engaging in cronyism, or making decisions that benefit themselves or their donors rather than the greater good of society.

When greedy individuals are allowed into positions of power, the ethical considerations that should guide decision-making are often overlooked in favor of personal gain. This can lead to a lack of trust in leadership, widening social inequalities, and negative consequences for society as a whole.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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