Your eyes and ears are the gates to your mind. Whatever you allow in will shape your thoughts, sense of reasoning, judgement, and personality - TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - Your eyes and ears are the gates to your mind. Whatever you allow in will shape your thoughts, sense of reasoning, judgement, and personality

Your EYES and EARS
are the GATES to your
MIND. Whatever you
allow in will shape your
THOUGHTS, sense of
reasoning, judgement,
and personality.
  - TemQBS -

Quote Analysis:

Your thoughts, reasoning, judgement, and your personality are greatly influenced by what you choose to expose yourself to. So be mindful of the information and experiences you allow into your mind through your senses.

You have the power to shape your own perception and your reality by guarding what we see and hear. In essence, you must to be conscientious about the media, conversations, and surroundings you expose yourself to in order to cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

• TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Advice

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