Let your mind be the boss over your emotions, for a heart ruled by logic is a beacon of wisdom - TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - Let your mind be the boss over your emotions, for a heart ruled by logic is a beacon of wisdom

Let Your
MIND be the
BOSS over Your
HEART ruled by LOGIC
is a beacon of WISDOM
  - TemQBS -

Quote Analysis: Logical Mind vs. Emotion

Learn to control and manage your emotions with the power of rational thinking and logical decision-making. Emotions, if left unchecked, can lead to impulsive actions and clouded judgment. However, when you are able to let your logical mind guide your emotions, you become wiser and more composed in your actions.

When you keep your emotions in check, you are able to approach situations with a sense of clarity and objectivity, make sound decisions based on reason and evidence, rather than being swayed by the intensity of your feelings.

It is normal to experience emotions, but it is crucial to not let them overpower your thoughts and dictate your actions. So prioritize rational thinking over impulsive emotions in order to achieve personal growth and success.

“Let your mind be the boss over your emotions, for a heart ruled by logic is a beacon of wisdom in a world clouded by fleeting feelings.”

• TemQBS’ Sound Bites • Food for Thought

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