
Laws of Nature are the laws of Health, and those who live by the laws are never sick. Health is Harmony, Discord is Disease - William F. Bettesworth's Quote

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William F. Bettesworth's Quote - Laws of Nature are the laws of Health, and those who live by the laws are never sick. Health is Harmony, Discord is Disease - TemQBS

Laws of NATURE are
the laws of HEALTH,
and those who live by
the laws are never sick.
  - William F. Bettesworth -

Living in Harmony with Nature

William F. Bettesworth’s wise quote shows the significance of living in harmony with nature and its laws to maintain good health. It suggests that adhering to the principles of nature can lead to a state of wellness where sickness is less likely to occur. The idea that health is a result of being in balance with the natural order and that disease arises from discord or imbalance is a powerful concept.

The quote reveals the interconnectedness between humans and the environment. It encourages us to consider how our lifestyles and choices either support our well-being or disrupt it. By aligning our actions with the laws of nature, such as eating wholesome foods, getting enough rest, exercising, maintaining cleanliness, and nurturing positive relationships, we can enhance our overall health and vitality.

Living in harmony with nature can also extend beyond physical health to encompass mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When we prioritize practices that promote balance and alignment with the natural world, we pave the way for a more fulfilling and healthy life.

• TemQBS’ Motivation • Words of Wisdom

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