“ Beware of the healer
whose plants and
flowers in his
garden have
wilted. ” ~ TemQBS ~
The proverbial quote serves as a cautionary advice to always be mindful of the signs around us, for even the smallest detail can reveal much about one's true nature. Imagine a doctor whose office plants have withered away, a symbol of neglect and lack of care. How can we trust someone to heal us when they cannot even tend to the life within their own space?.
The proverb impels us to question not only the skills of people claiming to profer solutions to problems, but also their empathy and dedication to their craft. The quote conveys a sense of caution and mistrust towards individuals who may not be as 'nurturing' or 'caring' as they appear on the surface.
At first glance, one might interpret the proverb as a simple warning against trusting a 'healer' whose garden appears neglected and lifeless. However, delving deeper into its meaning unveils a more profound insight into the essence of healing. Just as a healer's garden reflects their nurturing skills and attention to detail, so too does the condition of their surrounding plants or floras symbolize the vitality of their 'healing' touch.
When the delicate blooms in the healer's garden wither and fade, it raises questions about their dedication to details concerning things around them and the sincerity of their intentions. Is their neglect a mere oversight, or does it hint at a deeper imbalance within their soul? Could it be that the healer's own wounds remain unhealed, casting a shadow over their ability to heal others?
The wilted plants and flowers serve as a visual metaphor for the healer's connection to nature, the source of all healing energy. A healer whose garden languishes in neglect may struggle to channel the life force needed to aid those in need. Like a wilted flower deprived of sunlight and water, their healing abilities may be stunted, unable to flourish and bloom as they should.
Summarily, the proverb impels us to look beyond appearances and delve into the true essence of those we trust with our well-being. It reminds us that true healing comes from a place of authenticity, nurturance, awareness and inner growth. So, the next time you seek solace in the hands of a 'healer', remember to heed the silent wisdom of the garden and choose wisely.
• TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Wisdom
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