“ Whoever closes his MOUTH π€, closes his DESTINY. A closed mouth can never
be fed. ” ~ TemQBS ~
More Proverbial Words & Wise Sayings - TemQBS:
• “ A closed mouth catches no flies. ”
Speak up and speak out when you see something wrong — Silence can sometimes be just as harmful as the wrong words.
• “ The mouth that speaks ill of others speaks ill of itself. ”
Your words say more about you than they do about others — If you speak poorly of others, it reflects poorly on your own character and integrity.
• “ A man's character is revealed by his words. ”
Your words reflect your true selves — Strive to be a person of integrity and honesty in all that you say and do.
• “ The tongue is a small but mighty weapon that can either heal or destroy; use it wisely. ”
The power of your words and the impact — Choose your words carefully and use them to build others up, not tear them down.
• “ Words are like toothpaste; once they are out, they are hard to put back in. ”
Always think carefully about the words you choose to use — Once you say something, you cannot take it back.
• “ Guard your mouth as you would guard your life. ”
Your words can have a powerful impact on your life and the lives of those around you — Choose your words carefully and thoughtfully.
• “ The mouth speaks what the heart is full of. ”
Cultivate a positive and loving heart. If you fill your heart with love and kindness, your words will reflect that, and you will spread positivity and joy to those around you.
• “ Silence is golden, but sometimes it is better to speak up and let your voice be heard.”
There are times when it is important to speak up and use your voice to effect change — Be brave and courageous in the face of injustice.
• “ Kind words are like honey; sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. ”
Use your words to spread love and positivity in your community, and to be a source of healing and comfort to those around you.
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