Mon Mar 17 2025 23:51:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Leisure is the mother of Philosophy - Thomas Hobbes' Quote • Philosophical Words of Wisdom

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Thomas Hobbes Quote - Leisure is the mother of Philosophy • TemQBS

is the
mother of
  - Thomas Hobbes -

Quote Analysis:

Thomas Hobbes, the famous English philosopher, did say “ Leisure is the mother of philosophy. ” This quote appears in his book "Leviathan," published in 1651. In it, Hobbes suggests that leisure time is necessary for philosophical contemplation and the development of new ideas.

Hobbes believed that when people are free from the demands of work and the pressures of daily life, they can engage in deep thinking and explore complex concepts. He saw leisure as a necessary ingredient for intellectual growth and development.

Thomas Hobbes' quote is still relevant today, as it motivates us to take the needed time for leisure, to reflect, think, and engage with big ideas. In today's everchanging world driven by new trends and technology, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to make space for leisure and contemplation.

“ Leisure time is necessary for philosophical contemplation and the development of new ideas. ” Leisure is a necessary ingredient for intellectual growth and development.

- Food for Thought inspired by Thomas Hobbes

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