
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings - Salvator Dali's Quote

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Salvator Dali's Quote - Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings • TemQBS Blog

without ambition
is a bird without
- Salvator Dali -

Quote Interpretations:

Intelligence alone is not enough for the journey towards success - ambition is the driving force that propels intelligent individuals to take action and achieve their goals. Without ambition, their intelligence remains stagnant, much like a bird without wings unable to reach great heights.

• Intelligence without ambition can be frustrating and unfulfilling. An intelligent person may have all the knowledge and skills necessary to soar to great heights, but without the ambition to use those talents, he is limited in his capabilities and opportunities.

Just as a bird needs wings to soar to new heights, intelligence needs ambition to push boundaries, think outside the box, and create truly innovative and groundbreaking work.

Intelligence is valuable, but without the drive and determination of ambition, it is limited in its potential to achieve greatness.

“ Intelligence alone is not enough for the journey towards success - ambition is the burning fuel that propels you forward. ”

- TemQBS’ Thoughts

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