
'I will' is a fleeting phrase often used by those in the clutches of procrastination - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - 'I will' is a fleeting phrase often used by those in the clutches of procrastination.

is a fleeting
phrase often
used by those
in the clutches of
- TemQBS -

Quote Interpretations:

"I will" is a phrase often used by procrastinators to give themselves a false sense of accomplishment without actually doing anything. When they state their intention to do something, they feel as though they have made progress without actually taking any real steps towards their goal.

Saying "I will" is a way for procrastinators to buy themselves more time. It allows them to delay actually taking action by giving the impression that they have made a commitment, when in reality they have simply postponed doing anything productive.

• Furthermore, "I will" can be seen as a way for procrastinators to assuage their guilt or anxiety about not being productive. They make empty promises to themselves or others, thereby temporarily alleviating their feelings of inadequacy without actually making any real progress.

Simply saying "I will" is not enough to overcome procrastination. Actual change requires taking concrete steps towards your goals. Just as the saying goes; actions speak louder than words, and that real progress is made through consistent effort and dedication.

- TemQBS’ Thoughts

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