A system that protects corruption is like a pack of wild dogs eating dogs - a vicious cycle of greed and betrayal - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - A system that protects corruption is like a pack of wild dogs eating dogs - a vicious cycle of greed and betrayal

A system that
protects corruption
is like a pack of wild
dogs eating dogs - a
vicious cycle of greed
and betrayal.
- TemQBS -

Quote Interpretations:

• The metaphor of "a pack of wild dogs eating each other" can be interpreted as the destructive nature of corruption within a system. Just as the dogs viciously turn on each other in a never-ending cycle of greed and betrayal, so too does corruption within a system lead to a vicious cycle of corruption breeding more corruption.

When a system is set up to protect corruption, it allows those within the system to act without consequences, feeding into their greed and sense of entitlement. This protection creates an environment where corruption thrives, leading to more betrayals and dishonest actions as individuals scramble to gain power and resources at the expense of others.

• Furthermore, just like a pack of wild dogs, those involved in corrupt behavior within a system can become so consumed by their own self-interest that they are willing to betray even their closest allies in pursuit of personal gain. This betrayal only serves to further perpetuate the cycle of corruption, as trust is broken and the system becomes even more fractured.

• The above quote proverbially describes the insidious nature of corruption within a system, likening it to a destructive force that eats away at the very foundation of society. It is a warning against the dangers of turning a blind eye to corruption, as it can quickly spiral out of control and lead to the downfall of the entire system.

- TemQBS’ Thoughts

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