“ A mistake that
makes you humble
is better than an
achievement that
makes you arrogant. ” - Anonymous -
Quote Interpretations:
• It is better to learn from your mistakes and remain humble than to achieve success and become arrogant. When you make mistakes, you are forced to confront your limitations and shortcomings, which in turn teaches you valuable lessons and keeps you grounded. On the other hand, when you achieve something great, there is a risk of becoming complacent and developing a sense of entitlement that can lead to arrogance.
• Humility gained from mistakes is a more sustainable and enduring quality than the arrogance that comes with achieving something great. While achievements may boost your ego in the short term, it is the humility and self-awareness that comes from learning from your mistakes that will lead to long-term personal growth and fulfillment.
- TemQBS’ Food for Thought
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