
You were born an original. Don't die a copy - John Mason's Quote

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John Mason's Quote - You were born an original. Don't die a copy • TemQBS Blog

You were born
an original.
Don't die
a copy.
- John Mason -

Quote Interpretation:

• The quote “You were born an original. Don't die a copy” by John Mason encourages individuals to celebrate their originality and uniqueness, rather than conforming to societal expectations and becoming a mere imitation of others. In other words, staying true to yourself and maintaining your individuality throughout life.

• For example, imagine a painter who starts out with a blank canvas, full of potential and possibilities. Instead of reproducing the styles and techniques of other artists, he chooses to experiment with bold colors and unconventional brushstrokes, creating a masterpiece that is uniquely his own. If he can remain true to his original vision and creativity, he will be able to make a lasting and unique impact on the art world.

Similarly, consider a musician who refuses to follow the latest trends in music, opting instead to compose and perform songs that are deeply personal and authentic.

• Essentially, John Mason's quote implores you to accept who you are, celebrate your uniqueness, and live your life authentically, knowing that you were born to stand out and make a difference in the world.

- Motivation • Inspiration

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