Every exit is an entry somewhere else - Tom Stoppard's Quote

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Tom Stoppard's Quote - Every exit is an entry somewhere else • TemQBS

Every EXIT
is an ENTRY
somewhere else
- Tom Stoppard -

Quote Interpretations:

• Every time you leave a certain situation or place, it opens up new opportunities for you elsewhere. In other words, endings are not always negative, but rather a gateway to new beginnings.

Every time you leave a job or relationship, it allows you to grow and evolve, leading you to better opportunities and experiences. So embrace change and view an exist as a chance for personal growth and transformation.

When you close a door on one aspect of your life, it paves the way for you to explore and enter new, uncharted territories. This allows you to step out of your comfort zone and be open to new experiences and challenges that may lead you to unexpected and exciting paths.

An exist or end of a chapter in your life is not the end of the road, but rather a new beginning waiting to be discovered. Therefore approach change with an open mind and a heart full of optimism, knowing that every exit has the potential to lead you somewhere even better.

- TemQBS’ Thoughts

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