
Every dictator should know this; power will always belong to the people they oppress, for the light of justice will eventually shine on the darkest of tyrants - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - Every dictator should know this; power will always belong to the people they oppress, for the light of justice will eventually shine on the darkest of tyrants

Every dictator should
know this; power will
always belong to the
people they oppress,
for the light of justice
will eventually shine on
the darkest of tyrants.
- TemQBS -

Quote Interpretation:

• No matter how much power a tyrant or dictator may possess, ultimately it is the oppressed people who hold the true power. For justice will eventually prevail and the oppressive regime of a dictator will be exposed and brought to light.

Even the most brutal and tyrannical rulers are not invincible and will someday be held accountable for their actions. For the reign of oppression will not last forever, as the people they oppress will eventually rise up against them and reclaim their power.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Admonition

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