
To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less - Andre Malraux's Quote

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Andre Malraux's Quote - To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less • TemQBS Blog

To command
is to SERVE,
nothing more
and nothing
- Andre Malraux -

True Servant Leadership - Quote Analysis:

Real leadership is not about exerting power over others, but rather about serving the needs and best interests of those you are leading. Effective leadership involves making decisions and taking action that benefits the group as a whole, rather than serving one's own interests.

• One unique example that illustrates this is that of a teacher in a classroom. A teacher who commands respect and authority from his/her students through fear and intimidation is not truly serving his/her students. On the other hand, a teacher who leads by example, shows empathy and understanding, and works to meet the needs of his/her students is a true servant leader. This type of teacher commands respect through his/her actions and dedication to his/her students' success.

• Another example could be a CEO of a company. A CEO who prioritizes profits over the well-being of his/her employees and the community is not truly serving his/her role as a leader. However, a CEO who values and supports his/her employees, listens to their concerns, and works towards creating a positive work environment is a servant leader. This type of CEO commands respect and loyalty from his/her employees through his/her commitment to serving their needs.

Good leadership is all about serving others and working towards their best interests. Let us learn to embody the principles of true servant leadership when we are in positions of power, so that we can effectively inspire and lead others to achieve common goals.

- TemQBS’ Motivation

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