
The company of the wicked is like living in a fish market; one becomes used to the foul odor - Chinese Proverb • Quote

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Chinese Proverb - The company of the wicked is like living in a fish market; one becomes used to the foul odor • TemQBS Blog

The company of the
wicked is like living
in a fish market; one
becomes used to
the foul odor.
- Chinese Proverb -

Choose Your Company Wisely - Quote Analysis:

• Surrounding oneself with negative influences can desensitize a person to immoral behavior and corrupt values. Just as living in a fish market exposes one to the unpleasant smell of rotting fish, being in the company of wicked individuals can gradually normalize unethical behavior and compromise one's moral compass.

• For example, imagine a group of friends who regularly engage in gossiping, backstabbing, and spreading rumors about others. Initially, someone may feel uncomfortable participating in such behavior, but over time, that person may become desensitized to the negativity and eventually join in on the toxic conversations. This gradual acceptance of immoral behavior can erode an individual's own values, leading him/her down a slippery slope towards unethical conduct.

• Similarly, in a workplace where dishonesty and deceit are common practices, an individual may find himself/herself becoming more tolerant of deceitful actions and may even start engaging in such behavior himself/herself. The constant exposure to unethical practices can make it easier to justify one's own misconduct and blur the lines between right and wrong.

• In essence, choose your company wisely and be mindful of the influences around you. The company you keep can have a profound impact on your behavior and values. Therefore, it is crucial to surround yourself with individuals who will uplift and inspire you to be your best self, rather than drag you down into the depths of moral decay.

- TemQBS’ Motivation • Food for Thought

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