
Stress, anxiety and depression are caused when we are living to please others - Paulo Coelho's Quote

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Paulo Coelho's Quote - Stress, anxiety and depression are caused when we are living to please others • TemQBS

caused when we are
living to please others.
- Paulo Coelho -

Learn to Prioritize Your Own Well-being - Quote Interpretation:

• When you constantly seek validation and approval from others, it can lead to immense stress, anxiety, and depression. This is because your sense of self-worth becomes intertwined with how others perceive you, causing you to constantly worry about meeting their expectations.

• One example of this can be seen in the world of social media. Many people feel pressured to post the perfect picture or status update in order to receive likes and comments from their followers. When they don't get the desired response, they feel a sense of failure and inadequacy, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression.

• Similarly, in a work setting, constantly seeking approval from a demanding boss or trying to please colleagues can also lead to high levels of stress. If you are always trying to live up to others' expectations, you may neglect your own needs and desires, causing your mental health to suffer.

• In essence, when your actions and decisions are driven by the need to please others, you lose sight of your own authenticity and happiness. Therefore, learn to prioritize your own well-being and listen to your own inner voice, rather than constantly seeking external validation.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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