Sat Mar 15 2025 04:13:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Loyalty ends when benefits stop for many who come around you. Therefore, be on your guard, and choose your inner circle carefully - Food for Thought • Quote

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TemQBS • Loyalty ends when benefits stop for many who come around you. Therefore, be on your guard, and choose your inner circle carefully - Quote

when BENEFITS stop
for many who come
around you. Therefore,
be on your guard, and
choose your inner
circle carefully.

Quote Explanation:

Some people only stick around you because they are benefiting from the relationship or friendship. Once the benefits stop, their loyalty fades and they may no longer stay by your side.

• Therefore, be cautious and be selective in choosing who you allow into your inner circle, as not everyone who comes into your life has your best interests at heart.

Surround yourself with genuine and trustworthy people who will stand by you even when there are no immediate benefits to gain.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Advice

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