
Anger is foolery in the absence of reason and wisdom. - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - Anger is foolery in the absence of reason and wisdom

is foolery in
the absence
- TemQBS -

Quote Analysis:

Anger is a foolish emotion when it is not accompanied by rational thought and wisdom. In other words, when you allow yourself to become consumed by anger without considering the consequences or using logic to guide your actions, you are acting in a foolish manner.

• An example of this could be a driver who becomes enraged at another driver for cutting him/her off in traffic. Instead of taking a moment to calm down and consider the situation, the angry driver may engage in reckless behavior, such as tailgating or honking his/her horn continuously. This kind of irrational response not only puts him/her and others in danger, but also does nothing to resolve the initial conflict.

• Furthermore, anger can cloud your judgment and lead you to make impulsive decisions that you may later regret. For instance, a person may become angry at his/her partner for a perceived slight and decide to retaliate by saying hurtful things or taking drastic actions without considering the long-term consequences of his/her words and behavior.

• In contrast, when you approach situations with reason and wisdom, you are better able to handle challenges calmly and thoughtfully. You can take a step back, consider the facts, and look at the bigger picture. Then you will be able to make sound decisions without allowing your anger to control you.

Anger without reason and wisdom is indeed foolery as it often leads to destructive and irrational behavior. Therefore, learn to keep a calm mind, be rational and wise in your actions so that you can effectively handle conflicts and avoid making hasty decisions that you may later regret.

- TemQBS’ Motivation • Food for Thought

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