
You attract what you portray. If you portray indecency, you attract indecency - TemQBS Food for Thought • Quote

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TemQBS • You attract what you portray. If you portray indecency, you attract indecency - Quote

You attract what
you portray. If you
portray indecency,
you attract indecency
- TemQBS -

Quote Analysis:

The energy and persona you exude will ultimately attract similar energies and personas into your life. If you choose to portray indecency, you will inevitably attract indecency towards yourself.

Your actions and behavior have a direct impact on the type of people and situations you draw towards yourself.

• So, be mindful of the image you project to the world, as it influences the kind of connections and experiences you invite into your life.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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