LOVE is a verb. Without ACTION, it is merely a WORD - Food for Thought • Quote

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TemQBS • Love is a verb. Without action, it is merely a word - Anonymous Quote

LOVE πŸ’™ is a verb.
Without ACTION,
it is merely
- Anonymous -

Quote Analysis:

• The above quote points out that LOVE is not just a feeling or emotion, but rather something that requires action to truly exist and thrive. In other words, love is not just about saying "I love you," but also about demonstrating that love through deeds and behavior.

• When someone says he/she loves you, but his/her actions do not align with his/her words, then his/her love is empty and meaningless. For example, if a partner constantly says he/she loves you but never shows any kindness or support, then his/her love is just a word.

• On the other hand, when someone consistently shows love through his/her actions, such as being there for you during tough times, supporting your dreams, and making sacrifices for your happiness, then his/her love is real and tangible.

Love is not simply a word to be spoken, but rather a verb that requires continuous action and effort to maintain and deepen.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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