
Politicians who rig elections and manipulate electoral processes are no different from armed robbers who break into people's homes to steal their belongings - TemQBS Thought • Quote

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TemQBS Quote - Politicians who rig elections and manipulate electoral processes are no different from armed robbers who break into people's homes to steal their belongings

Politicians who rig
elections and manipulate
electoral processes are
no different from armed
robbers who break into
people's homes to steal
their belongings.
- TemQBS -

Quote Analysis:

• Politicians who rig elections to hold political offices should realize that their actions are no different from those of armed robbers who break into homes. These actions violate the rights and freedoms of individuals, undermine the democratic process, and erode public trust in the government.

• Such unethical behavior should not be justified or tolerated in a democratic society. Only by upholding honesty, fairness, and transparency in the electoral process can we ensure the integrity of our democratic system.

- TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Admonition

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