Sun Mar 16 2025 18:30:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Trust is the most valuable currency; it takes years to build, but only seconds to shatter - Wise Saying • Proverbial Quote

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TemQBS • Trust is the most valuable currency; it takes years to build, but only seconds to shatter - Proverbial Quote

TRUST is the most
valuable currency;
it takes years to
build, but only
seconds to
  - Wise Saying -

Quote Analysis:

Building trust can be a slow and steady process that requires effort and consistency, but once broken, it can be incredibly difficult to regain.

Trust is fragile and can easily be destroyed with just one mistake or betrayal. Therefore, let us cherish and protect the trust we have with others, as it is a precious commodity that should not be taken for granted.

• TemQBS’ Food for Thought

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