Fri Mar 14 2025 16:27:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


The most precious resource we all have is time - Steve Jobs' Quote

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Steve Jobs Quote - The most precious resource we all have is time • TemQBS Motivation

The most

we all have
is TIME ⏲️
  - Steve Jobs -

Quote Analysis:

• Time is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource that all individuals possess.

• Use your time wisely and prioritize activities that bring meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Do not waste time on things that are unimportant or on things that do not contribute to your personal growth and happiness.

• Time is finite and irreplaceable, making it the one resource that we cannot afford to waste.

• Value your time by investing it in things that matter and making the most out of every moment.

Be intentional and be mindful in how you choose to spend your time, as it ultimately determines the quality of your life.

- TemQBS’ Motivation • Food for Thought

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