“ He who
chases after
two bush meats
will end up catching
neither ” - TemQBS • Proverb -
Quote Analysis:
• The above proverbial statement illustrates the concept of spreading yourself too thin and not being able to achieve success in any endeavor.
• If you try to chase after too many things at once, you may end up losing everything. Therefore, stay focus on one goal at a time in order to achieve success. Be committed and stay dedicated to one thing at a time in order to increase the likelihood of success.
• Just like trying to catch two animals at once in the bush, dividing your attention and efforts can lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.
• When you divide your attention between various tasks or goals, you risk not being able to fully commit to any one of them effectively, leading to failure.
• In essence, trying to pursue multiple goals or desires simultaneously may result in failure. It is better to focus on one goal at a time and give all your attention and effort to it, rather than trying to do too many things at once and ending up achieving none of them successfully.
- TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Wisdom
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