“ Every Sale
Has Five Basic
Obstacles: No NEED,
No DESIRE, No TRUST ” - Zig Ziglar -
Quote Analysis:
The above quote by Zig Ziglar underscores the five common obstacles that salespeople may encounter when trying to make a sale. These 'obstacles' include:
• No NEED - the potential customer may not see a need for the product or service being offered.
• No MONEY - the potential customer may not have the financial means to make the purchase.
• No HURRY - the potential customer may not feel a sense of urgency to make a purchase.
• No DESIRE - the potential customer may not have a strong desire or interest in the product or service.
• No TRUST - the potential customer may not trust the salesperson or the company, leading to reluctance to make a purchase.
Summarily, the quote stresses the importance of addressing and overcoming these obstacles in order to successfully make a sale.
Salespeople need to understand and address the needs, desires, financial constraints, urgency, and trust of their potential customers to increase their chances of making a successful sale.
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