You don't invite a venomous serpent into your living room for a cozy meal - Wise Saying • TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - You don't invite a venomous serpent into your living room for a cozy meal • Proverb

You don't invite
a venomous 🐍
serpent into your
living room for
a cozy meal
  - TemQBS • Proverb -

Quote Analysis:

Be cautious about the company you keep and the decisions you make. Just as bringing a dangerous snake into your home would pose a threat to your safety and well-being, allowing toxic or harmful individuals into your life can have negative consequences.

It is important to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who will uplift you and bring out the best in you, rather than those who will bring negativity and harm. Like a snake, these individuals may appear harmless at first, but their true nature will eventually reveal itself and cause harm.

• TemQBS’ Sound Bites • Words of Wisdom

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