Sat Mar 15 2025 04:12:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


A leader who feasts while his people starve and cry of hunger and hardships, is a failure and a disgrace to the very title of leadership. It is a betrayal of trust and a sign of utter disregard for the well-being of those he is meant to serve - TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - A leader who feasts while his people starve and cry of hunger and hardships, is a failure and a disgrace to the very title of leadership. It is a betrayal of trust and a sign of utter disregard for the well-being of those he is meant to serve

A leader who feasts while
his people starve and cry
of hunger and hardships,
is a failure and a disgrace
to the very title of leadership.
It is a betrayal of trust and a
sign of utter disregard for
the well-being of those he
is meant to serve.
  - TemQBS • Sound Bite -

Quote Analysis: The Need for a Selfless Leader

The above expression criticizes the notion of a selfish and negligent leader who indulges in luxuries and excesses while his citizens suffer and struggle to meet their basic needs.

A leader is entrusted with the welfare and prosperity of his community, and it is essential that he prioritizes the needs of his constituents above his own desire. A true and selfless leader should be willing to make personal sacrifices and show solidarity with those he leads, especially in times of hardship and crisis.

A leader not only fails in his duty but also undermines the credibility and trustworthiness of his leadership when he neglects the suffering of his people and prioritizes his own interests.
A leader who feasts while his people are starving has failed to fulfill his fundamental obligation and has demonstrated a significant lack of empathy and compassion.

• TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Admonition

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