You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi's Quote

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Mahatma Gandhi's Quote - You must be the change you wish to see in the world - TemQBS

You must BE
You WISH to
SEE in the
  - Mahatma Gandhi -

Quote Analysis:

The transformation you wish to see in your environment starts from within. If you desire real change in your society, you must take responsibility for your own actions and beliefs, rather than simply expecting others to make the change you desire.

When you embody the values and principles you hope to see in your community, you will inspire others to follow suit and create positive change on a larger scale.

Changing the world around you starts with personal development, growth and self-reflection. In order to effect change in your society, you must first be willing to examine your own attitude, behavior, and bias. Be passionate about improving yourself and aligning your actions with your values and by doing so, you will serve as a catalyst for positive change in your community and beyond.

“Being the change” requires courage, consistency, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. It is a call to action for everyone to take ownership of their impact on the world and strive to leave it a better place than condition or state you found it.

• TemQBS’ Motivation

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