It is wise to hold your tongue sometimes, for words once spoken can never be unspoken, and silence can be as powerful as the loudest roar - TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - It is wise to hold your tongue sometimes, for words once spoken can never be unspoken, and silence can be as powerful as the loudest roar
It is wise to hold your
tongue sometimes, for
words once spoken can
never be unspoken, and
silence can be as powerful
as the loudest roar.
~ TemQBS ~

The above wise quote speaks to the importance of thinking before you speak. In certain circumstances, silence can be a powerful tool when you choose not to voice your opinion and thought.

By choosing not to speak, you retain control over the situation, avoiding potentially damaging utterances or statements. Furthermore, silence can sometimes speak louder than words, conveying more than mere speech ever could.

• TemQBS’ Sound Bites • Food for Thought

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