Fri Mar 14 2025 18:18:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Never pour away the water in the trough, simply because you hear the rumbling of the cloud - Yoruba Proverb - TemQBS Quote

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Yoruba Proverb - Never pour away the water in the trough, simply because you hear the rumbling of the cloud - TemQBS Quote

Never pour away the water in the trough, simply because you hear the rumbling of the cloud. ~ Yoruba Proverb ~

The proverbial quote is advising against being hasty or impulsive, using the analogy of not pouring away water in a trough just because one hears a distant rumbling sound. This makes sense, as one might mistake a cloudy storm for an imminent rainfall and waste valuable resources.

The proverb also highlights the importance of verifying every piece of information before taking action. It is a metaphorical warning to be cautious and not make rash decisions based on incomplete or uncertain information.

• TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Words of Wisdom

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