Listen twice as much as you speak, for in silence, the profound secrets of life are revealed. So cherish the Creator's gift of two ears and one mouth - Temi's Thought

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Listen twice as much as you speak, for in silence, the profound secrets of life are revealed. So cherish the Creator's gift of two ears and one mouth - Temi's Thought
Listen twice as much as
you speak, for in silence,
the profound secrets of
life are revealed.
So cherish the Creator's
gift of two ears and
one mouth.
• Temi’s Thought • Proverbial Words

Active listening with contemplation is the key to gaining deeper understanding and insight into a seemingly complex convo. By listening attentively, you open yourself up to receiving knowledge and perspectives that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Through silence and reflection, you have the opportunity to uncover profound truths about yourself, those in your circle and the world around you.

The Creator's design of giving us two ears and one mouth serves as a reminder to prioritize listening and learning over speaking impulsively, leading to a more enriched and enlightened existence.

• TemQBS’ Motivation • Words of Wisdom

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