“ Above all the
Goodies of LIFE,
choose WISDOM.
It will GUIDE You,
PROTECT You, and
LEAD You Right. ” - TemQBS -
Quote Analysis:
Imagine life as a vast and tempting buffet, filled with all kinds of delicious goodies and treats. From money and fame to love and success, there are countless options to choose from. However, amidst all the distractions and temptations, there is one crucial item that stands out above the rest - Wisdom.
• Wisdom is like a trusted mentor, always ready to offer guidance and insight. It acts as a beacon of light in your darkest moments, showing you the right path to take. Just like a compass pointing true north, wisdom will always lead you in the right direction.
For example, imagine you are faced with a difficult decision at work. You could choose to take the easy way out and cut corners to achieve immediate success. However, wisdom would advise you to take the high road, to work hard and stay true to your principles. In the long run, this decision will protect your integrity and lead you to greater success and fulfillment.
Similarly, in matters of the heart, wisdom can be your greatest ally. Instead of giving in to impulsive desires or succumbing to unhealthy relationships, wisdom will help you make informed choices that lead to true happiness and fulfillment.
In essence, making wise decisions and seeking wisdom in every aspect of your life will pave the way for a fulfilling and purposeful journey.
- TemQBS’ Motivation • Food for Thought
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