It is a crime when you choose to remain silent in an unjust and unfair society led by greedy politicians - TemQBS Quote

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TemQBS Quote - It is a crime when you choose to remain silent in an unjust and unfair society led by greedy politicians

It is a crime when you choose to remain silent in an unjust and unfair society led by greedy politicians. ~ TemQBS ~

The quote talks about the collective responsibility we have in speaking up against injustice and corruption.
Remaining silent in the face of wrongdoing perpetuates harm and allows oppressive systems to thrive.

To prevent the detrimental impact of apathy and silence in our society, it is essential to use our voices in advocating for positive change and stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. So, let's actively engage in challenging unjust practices and hold those in power accountable.

• TemQBS’ Food for Thought • Sound Bites

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