
Beware of that individual or entity that will always come around to profer solution to your problem and same render help to you. Such individual or entity may eventually be the creator or root cause of the problems you are encountering. It's an old evil strategy of 'create it, solve it' in order to be in control and benefit from it - Temi's Thought : Quote - Wise Words

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Beware of that individual or entity that will always come around to profer solution to your problem and same render help to you. Such individual or entity may eventually be the creator or root cause of the problems you are encountering. It's an old evil strategy of 'create it, solve it' in order to be in control and benefit from it - Temi's Thought : Quote - Wise Words
Beware of that individual  
or entity that will always
come around to profer
solution to your problem
and same render help to
you. Such individual or
entity may eventually be
the creator or root cause
of the problems you are
It's an old evil strategy of
'create it, solve it' in order
to be in control and
  benefit from it • Temi’s Thought • Quote • Wise Words

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